Covid-Safe Plan

COVID-19 has brought many challenges to crew health and safety. The production staff at Treehouse is fully committed to facing these challenges by following all protocol suggestions from both the CDC and MDH. Yes, set looks a LOT different than it did in 2019, but with very clear communication regarding protocol for all crew and client, we are confident we can continue to mitigate exposure to COVID-19 on set.

We plan an extra ½ day of production for every shoot to ensure that every member of the crew has a secure and sanitized work space ready for them to begin their work on day one.  

We approach every project and its needs individually; constantly looking for the best and most organized ways to give the project what it needs creatively, while ensuring the safety of crew and client. Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns about a potential project. We will address them with individualized care.

here is a short list of measures taken for each of our productions.

Personal Responsibility // Daily Check-Ins // PPE + Cleaning Procedures // Social Distancing // Craft Services // Attendees // Pre-Pro Considerations // Schedule + Staffing

Personal Responsibility

Everybody on site has an individual responsibility to help prevent the spread of COVID-19Please be thoughtful and mindful of others and their safety.

  • Self monitor to be sure you are healthy to be around others. Sick individuals must stay home; fever free for 24 hours.

  • If you or one of your family members are sick, please plan to stay home and monitor for any symptoms related to COVID-19.

  • Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  • Keep 6’ distance on set and remind others to be considerate of personal space.

  • We highly recommend all vendors to be following CDC guidelines outside of work so as to reduce the risk of coming in contact with COVID-19. If this is not the case and you are engaging in personal activities that put you at higher risk, please consider not taking the project.

  • If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 within 10 days of being on a Treehouse set we ask you to contact us as soon as possible to help minimize transmission of the virus to others. Email Michelle at An exposure notice will be sent to all crew that worked on the project. Please note that all identifying personal information will be kept confidential.

  • Mask wearing etiquette: Masks must be worn at all times unless eating or drinking.

  • Be sure to follow proper use of masks.

daily check in procedure prior to entering set

These are requirements that must happen before entering the set.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle at

  • All crew and client must use an infrared thermometer to take and record their own temperature. Temperature must be below 100°F to enter set.

  • Fill out a health screening.

  • Sign a Treehouse health waiver.

  • Use provided hand sanitizer before entering the building.

PPE & Cleaning procedures

  • Masks, gloves and face shields will be provided by Treehouse. Face coverings are required at all times by all crew and clients while in studio. Gloves are optional.

  • Multiple hand washing and sanitization stations will be available throughout the set.

  • Hand sanitizer to be readily available in all crew stations.

  • Food prep, sanitization stations and bathroom surfaces will be wiped down with disinfecting wipes multiple times throughout the day. Crew attendees are encouraged to wipe down areas as they use these common spaces, as well.


  • Signage posted in frequently used areas reminding crew to maintain a 6’ distance.

  • Work with our digital tech partners to secure additional monitors as well as remote cable release options to minimize the number of people gathering for shot reviewal.

  • Each crew member to be provided with an individual work space at least 6’ distance from their co-workers.

  • Shoot schedule and workflow to be organized in such a way as to minimize cross-departmental contact whenever possible.


  • All food provided on set will be individually wrapped or boxed. Lunches will be individually ordered by the crew members via text or email to avoid use of other’s devices or paper menus.

  • Crew will be asked to eat at their individual work stations until further notice. Masks may be removed for lunch and snacking but must be worn directly after wrapping lunch and/or snack.


  • Whenever possible, team will be limited to 10 or less on set.

  • One Art Director is welcome on set as the sole representative for both Agency and Client. All other attendees will have digital access to set.


  • Schedule the pre-pro meeting as early as possible in order to have time to prop and shop accordingly.

  • Finalize as many creative decisions as possible no later than the pre-pro meeting in order to reduce last minute changes on shoot days, and to plan for all sanitary accommodations.

  • Allow studio prep days to organize and sanitize studio and work stations.

  • If necessary, plan for a product/prop review the day before shooting with AD, stylist and product producer.


  • Anticipate things taking longer to accomplish than we’re used to

  • Carefully consider number of shoot days required

  • Build in time for one department to “step in, step out” at a time

  • Consider whether a prep or pre-light day will be required

  • Strive to keep the same individuals on an entire job (as opposed to individuals swapping in and out), thereby minimizing the number of individuals overall